Da’ad Hidayah is a Master Trainer at Sharjah Education Academy with extensive experience in the field of education. From 2003 to 2013, she worked on development projects for the Jordanian Ministry of Education (MoE), which included the Education Reform for Knowledge Economy project in its first and second cycles (ERfKE I/ ERfKE II). As the project Training Specialist, she was responsible for the early childhood component. Her role included supporting the revision, enhancement, development, and collating of the multi-trainings implemented by the MoE, ensuring the creation of one comprehensive training guide, and conducting multiple trainings for the early childhood educators and their coaches.
While working at Save the Children International (SCI) and the Queen Rania Teacher Training Academy (QRTA) from 2007 – 2018, Hidayah developed her administrative skills by spearheading various projects aimed at enhancing education systems in public schools and community-based organizations (CBOs).
As the Program Manager from 2015 -2018 for the Early Grades Reading and Mathematics Initiative (RAMP) project, she utilized her knowledge and skills in management to plan, organize, supervise, monitor, and evaluate the project’s activities. As well as establish close working relationships with teachers, school principals, supervisors, and central staff members in (MoE), to ensure that the project’s activities and tasks were properly implemented with high-quality measures and in a timely manner.
Hidayah held the position of Early Childhood Development Content Coordinator at the Regional Office of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) for the “Ahlan Simsim” project from 2018 – 2023. In this role, she contributed to developing the program’s content revised and contextualized other relevant parts to align them with the cultural contexts of the countries supported by the project regionally. She also worked towards enhancing the professional competencies of the project’s technical staff in the participant countries. Her tasks also included ensuring the quality of implementation of the various project activities. Additionally, Hidayah supported the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Team (MEAL) and the research team from New York University in conducting training, amending tools, and supporting the analysis of results regarding certain selected research activities.
Hidayah obtained a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Jordan in 1991. She also earned a Training of Trainers (ToT) certificate from the University of Wisconsin-Stout in 2002, and a Higher Diploma in Advanced Instructional Leadership from the University of Jordan 2019, in collaboration with the University of Connecticut.
University City, Sharjah
United Arab Emirates