Embracing Plurilingualism in Early Childhood Education: A Pathway to Inclusive Learning

Imagine being at a bustling kindergarten in the UAE, surrounded by a dynamic mix of children from different cultural backgrounds. Some chatter in Arabic or English, while others seamlessly switch to Urdu, Hindi, or Malayalam. This vibrant mosaic of languages is not just a visual delight but a testament to the significant power of plurilingualism.

SEA’s Accredited Arabic Postgraduate Diploma in Education Program

As a general practice all over the world most degree granting higher education organizations are required to undergo a quality assurance process to ensure that they offer quality programs to their students who graduate from their institutions. This process is often referred to as Accreditation, such as when an international or national accrediting body recognizes an institution, school, college, or program. Not only is the program considered of high quality, but the degree a person graduates with is also considered credible and recognized by most higher education institutions and employers worldwide.